Donations Welcome!
Monument Hill Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) public charity registered with the State of Colorado and the IRS. It receives no government funding.
There are several ways by which you can make a donation or gift in support of the Monument Hill Foundation and, through it, to the combined mission of the Foundation and Club of providing a better life for our community and children. These are outlined in the following paragraphs.
Donations and gift-giving comes from the heart and will go a long way toward meeting Monument Hill Foundation’s goals of supporting the community and our children. Give what you can… and remember, every little bit counts. Simply let us know your preferences.
Please complete the form you select as you choose… to select and even pay for gifts of various types. Or, perhaps you would like to talk personally with one of our Directors about the various options. (You can indicate that on the form too.) Then, either print and mail the form (with or without payment) to:
Monument Hill Foundation |
Attn: Director, Fundraising |
and Donor Relations |
PO Box 102 |
Monument, CO 80132 |
or attach it to an email; and send it to -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will acknowledge your communication either way; and one of our Directors will contact you if you have indicated that as a preference. Rest assured that any information you provide us will be held in the strictest confidence and not be shared with anyone at all outside of our Foundation's management unless we are required to disclose it under government regulations or by a court of law.
Go HERE to make an online one-time or annual pledge.
By leaving a legacy gift to Monument Hill Foundation you could be making an enormous philanthropic difference in the lives of others and in helping us ensure the services we offer to the community and our youth.
A will is one of the simplest ways to safeguard the future of your family and friends. It is a way for you to remember your favorite charities with a life-changing gift. It is the best way of ensuring that your wishes as a philanthropist are followed after you've gone; and it can help to reduce the worries of your loved ones at what will certainly be a stressful time.
By arranging to leave Monument Hill Foundation a bequest and telling us about it in advance, you will enable us to plan our work with a far higher degree of accuracy, safe in the knowledge that when the time comes to implement our plans, we have the funds to back them up.
Types of Legacy Gifts:
- First is the donation of the remainder of your estate after all other bequests to your family, friends and expenses have been deducted,
- Second is a gift of a specific amount of money, and
- Third is a gift of a specific item such as real-estate, stock, jewelry, art or other valuables.
The first two of these types of donations can be arranged to take inflation into account, or not, as you may desire. Nevertheless, if you plan to remember Monument Hill Foundation in your will you should seek the advice of an estate attorney or other professional. If you already have a will, it is easy to change it. Your attorney will be pleased to help you and advise how much it will cost.
To find out more information on how you can leave a lasting memory with Monument Hill Foundation, please contact us us at the postal or email address at the top of the page, or click below and return your completed form to Monument Hill Foundation.
PLEASE NOTE: The tax laws may help some donors leverage their donations to the Monument Hill Foundation. Charitable contributions may reduce federal taxable income for some taxpayers who itemize their deductions on their federal tax return. Charitable contributions may also have favorable tax consequences under state income tax laws and federal and state estate tax laws. Tax consequences of a charitable donation may vary significantly among different taxpayers. Donors should review their particular tax situations with their own financial and legal advisors.