A Community is Only as Strong

as its Foundation!


Therapy riding bannerSchool District 38

The Monument Hill Foundation funds a number of grants for programs within D-38 that benefit students with a wide variety of needs.


Programs funded this year include -

Adaptive Physical Education - Funds will be used to continue to offer Lewis Palmer students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in community recreational/therapy and fitness related activities.


HOSA - Future Health Professionals -  They will use grant funds to purchase supplies to start an American Heart Assoc, CPR and Basic Life Suport course for its high school students to provide students with a dual certification in both CPR and Basic Life Support skills at the clinical level.


Special Needs - Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Grant funds will be used to purchase additional assistive listening equipment for deaf and hard of hearing students in Lewis-Palmer District #38.


Pre-School Program - Funds will be used to purchase classroom resources (books) to implement strategies that promote and support strong emotional development skills in our preschool children. These items will serve five preschools; Kilmer, LP, Bear Creek, Palmer Lake, and Tri-Lakes Community Preschool, serving approximately 250 3-5 year olds.



Robotics Team - The funds are used to cover a portion of the $5000 entry fee for the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology) Robotics Competition. The fee includes a standard kit of parts that can be used to build the robot, and entry into the Colorado Regional competition in Denver in March. Remaining funds are used to purchase additional parts, tools, team merchandise and offset team travel costs as well as cover the cost of community outreach events.

Career Starter Scholarships - The funds are used to provide "Career Starter Scholarships" that Kiwanis has offered in the past to students in the Options 38 and Area Vocational programs at LPHS. Both Options 38 and AVP serve students who benefit from a non-traditional approach to high school and may be "off the radar" for many scholarships; however, many of these students have very definite and strong career goals and benefit greatly from the continued availability of these scholarships.


Praire Winds Pound Ripstix - Poundstix are durable rhytmn sticks used by students to keep a steady beat while sustaining a cardio workout. Students combine movement skills with musical concepts. Learning how to keep a steady beat actually translates to improved academic focus and performance.


Girl's State Program - American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are the premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills & an appreciation for our rights as a citizen.  We use these funds to support our junior girls who wish to attend Girls State each summer. It is a week-long program that helps the girls learn to develop a broader knowledge of our two-party system, instill a greater understanding of American traditions, stimulate a desire to participate in and maintain our democratic government and be exposed citizens to a college atmosphere and encourage a desire for higher education.


For more about D38 Programs - Click Here